Transfer station will be closed on December 25 and January 1 or if a holiday falls on a Saturday
Antwerp Township Transfer & Recycling Station
For Antwerp Township Residents Only
You need a key fob to use the Transfer Station starting in January 2025. There is a $25 deposit for the key fob and they can be picked up at the office during normal business hours.
269-668-2615 ext. 208
(Operated by Best Way Disposal)
For Questions Call: 269.463.3232
Transfer station hours: winter hours are currently in effect!
9-4 on Saturday
Electronic recycling- 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am-3pm. This is located in the building along with household batteries and Styrofoam.
Accepted Items
Consumer Electronics
DVD Players/VCR’s
Cable Boxes/Routers
Mobile Devices & Tablets
Networking Equipment
LCD Monitors
Audio Equipment
Household Electronics
CRT Monitors/ TVs
Non-Accepted Items
Smoke Detectors/Printers/Scanners
Hazardous Waste
Items Containing: Liquid or Freon
Kalamazoo County Hazardous waste hours are:
Tuesday & Friday 8am – 1pm
Wednesday 12pm – 6pm
Second Saturday of the Month (Except August and September): 8am-Noon
Entrance on the south side of 64th Avenue in Lawton,
between CR 657 and 30th Street.
ATTENDANT Domingo Calderon
Directions From the Township Hall:
Head west on Front Avenue/CR 364, turn south/left on CR 657, turn west/right on 64th Avenue. The transfer station is on the south/left side of the road.